Friction 5 Instagram Photographers: Where The Wild Things Are

We’ve trawled Instagram for our favourite adventure photographers whose work manages to make you feel as though they’ve handed you a one way ticket to some of the most beautiful parts of the planet. Enjoy being transported to the fresh, icy waters of Russia, or to a dewy, damp morning in the mountains of Morocco…


Burkard’s photography reigns within high contrast and high octane territory. This image captures life on the road and reminds us of that feeling when you’re travelling and you don’t have to ‘sweat the small stuff’. You can stop wherever you want, whenever you want.

Chris Burkard man and woman driving in van on road

“Did anyone ever take Sunday drives with their family as a kid? Those were some of my favourite times growing up. It didn’t even matter that we never had a route in mind & always ended up at the same place. Home.”

2. @Hannes_Becker

Hannes Becker is a freelance photographer specialising in outdoors, adventures and landscapes from Hesse, Germany. In order to inspire the viewer and portray his experiences, he aims not only to document his travels in nature but incorporates a unique composition and mood.

Hannes Becker building built into a cliff

“The most inviting place in Switzerland”

3. @nicolemagnolia 

Nicole Magnolia is a photographer, illustrator and web designer currently based in San Fransisco. Her photography gently elevates the viewer into dreamlike landscapes, capturing those elusive yet magical moments that we experience when exploring new places.

Nicole Magnolia dreamy analogue photography girl on lake

4. @anuarpatjane 

” I always look for images depicting strong meanings and emotions and do what I can to create visual stories with them, stories that show the power of empathy. Or stories that focus the attention into places and moments which usually escape unnoticed. I cannot photograph the staged, the arranged, I just can’t. When reality flows I am in my element and that is what I enjoy photographing”.

Anuar Patjane Floriuk man diving with dolphins

5. @alexstrohl  

In his own words, Strohl’s photography is “Experiential, Authentic (at least I strive for that), and Motivational.”

Alex Strohl jungle lagoon with vines

Recently one of our Directors, Jack Davies, along with two friends Tim Lages and Tom Gurney, cycled 1000 miles across one of the hottest, sweatiest and most ecologically diverse countries on Earth. Incredibly, Jack filmed the whole trip at the same time and so ‘Velo Malaysia’ was born. Velo Malaysia is a short documentary film covering the exhilarating trip from beginning to end. An adventurous thread runs throughout the film, leaving you restless, and ready to go forth into the world and explore. During our film screenings, we were amazed by the overwhelming reaction that people felt inspired to do a similar kind of trip.

You can catch the film here if you haven’t seen it already (do it!).